All ESRD product updates are on a cyclic release schedule, the result of our dedication to quality assurance and timely software improvements for our valued customers. Rather than release minor patches every few weeks or months, we focus on improving our products significantly before making our updates commercially available.
Product Updates
As a result, StressCheck Professional and StressCheck-powered App (e.g., CAE Handbook, StressCheck Tool Box) users can expect year-to-year product releases, with each successive release containing numerous bug fixes and feature enhancements.
StressCheck Professional Updates
Keep up to date on the latest StressCheck Professional updates and enhancements.
Typical updates include:
- New engineering functionality
- User interface improvements
- User-reported bug fixes
StressCheck-Powered App Updates
Keep up to date on the latest StressCheck-Powered App updates and enhancements.
Typical updates include:
- Upgrades to CAE Handbook and StressCheck Tool Box (SCTB)
- New CAE Handbook templates
- User-reported bug fixes
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“As the United States Air Force continues to extend the service life of their aircraft the Aircraft Structural Integrity Program (ASIP) has had to refine the methods it uses to analyze and predict fatigue crack growth. Through the use StressCheck, coupled with AFGROW, we in A-10 ASIP have been able to more accurately model, predict and analyze critical aircraft structure for the A-10 and other types of structure for non-A-10 system managers. This also allows us within the A-10 to more accurately assess risk for decision makers, streamline aircraft inductions into scheduled maintenance and reduce cost for total life cycle management.”
A-10 ASIP Manager