The Single Fastener Analysis Tool (SFAT) is a Smart Engineering Simulation App providing accurate computation of the joint stiffness, plate stresses, and fastener loads for single or double shear bolted lap joints connected by a single 3D fastener.
Single Fastener Analysis Tool
Through a simple and intuitive interface, the user can provide engineering input data from which SFAT automatically builds, solves, and post-processes a fully 3D StressCheck finite element mesh of the desired bolted lap joint model using its robust multi-body contact algorithm.
Key Features and Advantages
- Simulate 3D-contact with high quality results without having to build a FE mesh.
- Solution time is reduced from hours to minutes.
- Simplified user interface provides input of the appropriate fastener data in pre-defined templates with step by step validated feedback.
- Easy to Learn and Easy to Use. Built-in Results Viewer provides dynamic viewing of the FE mesh and stress fringe contours.
- Supports single and double shear joints with washers, bushings, shims, protruding head or countersink fasteners, metallic or laminate composite plates.
- Solutions obtained with StressCheck, verified by p-extension.
- Modeling approach validated with experimental results
- Supports US and SI units.
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“The addition of incremental theory of plasticity in StressCheck has greatly improved our ability to accurately predict the fatigue life of joints with interference fit fasteners and cold worked holes. This ability is especially important, not only in support of maintaining aging aircraft but also in analyzing some of the new cold working techniques that have been introduced in recent years.
Prior to this implementation, analysts often relied on closed-form approximations or simple factors that were often overly conservative and sometimes even unconservative when used in life prediction. Now, not only can we more accurately predict residual stresses in these complex structural joints, but we can also do so in a timely manner given the modeling and analysis efficiency that exists with a p-version FEA code such as StressCheck.”F-15 Structures Manager
The Boeing Company